Monday, April 15, 2013

The results

Mentally prepared as i'm going to meet Aneesa's & Ilman's teacher..hehehe macam i plak nak ambik results. I prefer to go a bit late so that i've much time to discuss more details of my kids performance and their social behavior. 
First meet was with Teacher Adilah - Ilman's teacher 
A big smile from teacher and as i great As'salam to her and 1 word out from her " Ilman Sufy the behave boy  in the class" opppsss a big compliment to my son. I was like looking at him "really ilman & alhamdulillah"
Tidak ku sangka wahai Ilmanku..kau lah anak yang kuat melalak , kuat menjerit, kuat tersentuh jiwa raga (merajuk la), kuat bercakap, kuat bermain sampai dah berapa kali kepala berdarah ..rupe-rupenye anak murid yang behave..ape-ape pun I'm proud of you ILMAN SUFY!!!!! 
His exam results was great too..seems like my doa termakbul during haj as i'm very very worried as he not able to read well and yet stil confuse of certain alphabet even he had to sit for extra class during school holiday.Anyway berkat doa dan usaha syukur sesangat..

BM : 90
BI : 91
MATH : 92
GEO : 84
IQRA : 95
ARAB : 92
FIQAH : 88
JAWI : 86

Meet Ustaz Idrus : Very young teacher and seems like muka ustaz ni mesti senang kena buli dgn student.. hehehe. Soft spoken plak tu...Anyway apa kata Ustaz? Aneesa ok and rajin tolong teacher..hehe rajin tolong teacher tapi malas tolong mama dia yek. heyyyy I always not happy with her ..eee I should stop that.
Her results :-
BM : 93
BI : 91
MATH : 79 ( big eyes looking at her)
SCIENCE : 70 ( mmmm katanye confuse)
GEO : 84
IQRA : 80
ARAB : 51 (yahabibi ape sudah jadi)
AKHLAK : 48 ( she said " i'm just belasan jer")
SIRRAH : 56 (confuse again)
FIQAH : 62
JAWI : 80
Ape perlu i buat ngan dia nie..keputusan amat mengecewakan.
Aneesa : Mama I'm sorry, I promise will do better ..
ni la ayat favourite dia " Mama I'm sorry " as i a lil cair when she said that. 

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